New Malik Center at the “Inner Mongolia Agricultural University” (IMAU) in China

The autonomous province “Inner Mongolia” is one of China’s fastest growing regions with enormous entrepreneurial dynamics and the highest number of billionaires – mostly due to its almost endless deposits of so-called “rare earths”. They are a crucial material for almost all hightech today.

Inner Mongolia is also one of the most important centers that provide food for the Chinese population. Its key competence it has in management, though.

The university’s president Prof. Li already experienced the enormous efficiency of the systemcybernetic Malik Management Systems® in 2011 when he visited our Center at St. Gallen to attend an extensive Malik Management Education Program as member of a Chinese delegation that consisted of 13 university presidents. On this occasion, president Li also got to know the power of the Malik Syntegration® with its integrated set of cyber tools.

Based on this impressive experience, the president and his faculty decided to establish a Malik Center at IMAU to make the knowledge on the world’s most advanced cybernetic management methods and tools available to Chinese managers and entrepreneurs.

Prof. Malik was appointed Special Professor of Management. During the ceremonial act for the university’s 60th anniversary on September 9, 2012, an agreement was signed to found a Malik Center for systemic management. Conductions of the Malik Syntegration at IMAU to master the enormous dynamics of the region and its economy were also part of the agreement.

In the light of these events, Prof. Malik gave a speech on revolutionary management innovations for Chinese universities at the “Inner Mongolia Agricultural University’s” (IMAU) 60th anniversary.Due to IMAU’s close cooperation with leading related institutes in Europe, North America and Australia, the Syntegration’s results will reach far beyond China. The founding of further Malik Centers is already scheduled.