The most efficient and rapid solution method for complex challenges.

Malik Syntegration®

Syntegration is applicable in all segments of the economy and society and with all types of challenges, such as strategy development, restructuring, a change in corporate culture, an increase in earnings and innovations, or to maintain and enhance customer relations. It is also used for post-merger integrations, organizational development, cost reductions and profit improvement, among other things.

References and customer feedback

“Great method & format, enthusiastic discussions, and tangible results!”
Dirk Hilgenberg, CEO CARIAD, Volkswagen
“The Syntegration is a very powerful tool. […] It feels like a turning point. We have developed in 3.5 days into another leadership, moving into a new company. From defense to offense – contributing to the challenge and take chances from the opportunities.”
CEO of a European energy company

“Before the first Syntegration […] I have been extremely skeptical. In retrospect the results have been the best thing we implemented last year. Thanks to the first Syntegration, we have improved the cooperation in the group significantly. […] Unbelievable good results.”

Member of the Management Board, Internationale Handelsgruppe
“Die Methode von Prof. Malik ist aus meiner Sicht einzigartig und effektiv.
Ich habe selten erlebt, dass im Rückblick so viele der erarbeiteten Maßnahmen auch tatsächlich
umgesetzt wurden wie in diesem Fall.”
Dr. Herbert Diess, Vorstandsvorsitzender Volkswagen AG, Quelle: Handelsblatt
“Die Methode der Syntegration hat sich bereits oft als entscheidendes Instrument erwiesen, die Zukunft auf Basis empirischer Erkenntnisse gestalten zu können. Was Professor Malik dabei besonders auszeichnet: Sein Engagement und Enthusiasmus, mit dem er unsere Syntegration vorantreibt.”
Gunnar Kilian, Volkswagen AG, Quelle: Linkedin
“Mit welcher Systematik die gesamte Veranstaltung von A bis Z aufgesetzt war, dies war schon sehr beeindruckend. Mit welcher Wirksamkeit die Syntegration aber zu Resultaten führte, das muss man einfach erlebt haben.”
Hans Roth, CEO LGT Bank AG (CH)
“Phantastisch, faszinierend. Innerhalb weniger Tage haben wir unter den Mitarbeitern aus weltweit 23 Tochtergesellschaften eine Verbindlichkeit hergestellt, wie wir es noch nie erlebt haben.”
Inhaberin, Autozulieferfirma
“Das war die effektivste Methode, die ich jemals erlebt habe – das ist wirklich sensationell.”
Vorstand, Energieversorgungs-Unternehmen
“Durch die 11 Syntegrationen konnte eine signifikante Beschleunigung der Umsetzung unserer Effizienzziele in der Volkswagen Komponente erreicht werden. Durch die hervorragende Methodik und Herangehensweise haben wir dabei eine stets motivierende Arbeitsatmosphäre schaffen können, in der
alle Beteiligten bereichsübergreifend auf kollegialer Basis zusammengearbeitet haben.
Thomas Schmall, Vorstandsmitglied Volkswagen AG

Enables every organization and every person to function effectively and reliably.

Management Basic Models

Malik’s basic models for wholistic management are extensive solutions for most management problems and strengthen the manageability of organizations many times over. They revolutionize in particular the ability to effectively overcome change and the ability to transform measures into results. These models help to establish the necessary conditions for system-inherent coordination and coherence by way of self-regulation and self-organization within the very capillaries of an organization.

Malik Management System

The Malik ManagementSystems® have unique characteristics that enable any management challenge to be overcome. They are universally applicable, meaning that they can be applied to all institutions, all cultures, all persons, at all levels, in all situations.


Malik Fast Lane Effectiveness Programm

«Experienced managers are less and less attending management seminars in face-to-face format. The mostly bad relationship between effort and benefit is no longer acceptable for many. However, personal development often suffers from this again – too great a risk in today’s era of Great Transformation21 and its far-reaching change.» – Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik

We have developed a new type of leadership and management skills for this purpose: The Malik Fast Lane Effectiveness Programm©, the individual empowerment of managers at a distance.

Malik Online Courses

Leadership in Management – Management for Leadership

Malik Effective Managing and Performing® (EMP®)

For those who are interested in effective management and professional leading of employees, Malik Academy offers the Effectiveness ® Training. A flexible learning programme with end-to-end online support of the Malik experts.

Malik Management Praxis Online® (MPO®)

Management Praxis Online® enables you to familiarize with the principles and tools, that allow organisations to function optimally – flexible and with tutoring of the Malik experts.

Malik Managing Performing Living

One of the most important management books in the world – soon also available as interactive, online training!

Learn effective management when and where you want.

Malik Letter – Your weekly update

Every week, the decisive knowledge for insight and functioning in a complex society.

Malik Publications

About us

Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik is founder, owner and chairman of Malik. The habilitated entrepreneurial professor and acclaimed bestseller author of more than ten books has been setting the standards for professional management with his company for many years. His cybernetic based Malik Holistic Management Systems® are the worldwide most sophisticated instruments for the reliable functioning of organizations.