In his latest three-part article Professor Gunnar Heinsohn of the University of Bremen conveys a completely different view of the debt crisis, its causes, driving forces and also its solutions compared to main stream economics. In view of the far-reaching failure of conventional economics, this knowledge is crucial for survival.

»The future of the financial crisis Part 1 (in German)

» The future of the financial crisis Part 2 (in German)

» The future of the financial crisis Part 3 (in German)


Prof. Gunnar Heinsohn is one of the greatest, most knowledgeable and creative scientific thinkers. He is a regular guest speaker at the Malik Academy and among other things an economics expert in our master program too. In addition, he is permanent guest author in the monthly Malik Letter.

Together with his colleague Otto Steiger Professor Heinsohn has created a radically new and revolutionary theory of economics, based on the ability of private property to serve as collateral. To date it is the only theory overall to explain economizing in the actual meaning of the word by contrast with the previously dominant theories of the mere use of resources.

Professor Heinsohn became known to a wider public through his demographic studies. He became famous with his book Sons and World Power: Terror in the Rise and Fall of Nations (2003) and his theory of the “youth bulge.”

Heinsohn was born in Poland in 1943 and studied sociology, history, psychology, economics and religion at the Free University Berlin. He gained his doctorate with the highest honors in both sociology and economics. In 1984 he was appointed to a lifetime chair at the University of Bremen and since 1993 has been the head there of the first European Institute for Genocide Research. Gunnar Heinsohn is one of the most creative researchers worldwide, who in part together with his colleague of many years Otto Steiger has discovered fundamental unsolved riddles in several academic areas simultaneously and has in part proposed inspired solutions for them. These include the stubborn chronological mysteries of most ancient cultures and eye-opening explanations of the witch hunts of the Middle Ages as well as on the origins and causes of the destruction of the Jews in Hitler’s concentration camps.

Gunnar Heinsohn and Otto Steiger penned such seminal works as Eigentum, Zins und Geld: Ungelöste Rätsel der Wirtschaftswissenschaft (1996, 9th edition 2009) [Property, interest and money: unsolved mysteries of economics], Eigentumstheorie des Wirtschaftens versus Wirtschaftstheorie ohne Eigentum (2002) [Property theory of economic activity versus economic theory excluding property] and Die Vernichtung der weisen Frauen (1984) [The elimination of the wise women] and “Wann lebten die Pharaonen” together with Heribert Illig (1990 and 1997).

Heinsohn is the author of more than 900 publications, co-editor of the magazine “Zeitensprünge” and also writes for major international newspapers.