Third Cwarel Isaf Conference on Management Cybernetics

Solution to the Crisis: Malik Syntegration®

Theme of the Cwarel Isaf Conference on Management Cybernetics 2009 was a better understanding of the mechanics of the crisis with the aid of enormous advancements of modern cybernetics. At the 2011 conference the newest system-cybernetic solutions of the Malik Syntegration-methods were presented.

Worldwide leading Cyberneticians from 16 nations discussed our groundbreaking advancements and achievements for handling global change and its crisis from March, 31 to April, 1 2011 at the Third Cwarel Isaf Con­fe­rence on Management Cyber­ne­tics 2011 in St. Gallen. In the center stood the resoundingly effective and ultra-fast process of the Malik Syntegration® as the opti­mal so­lution especially for the most complex challenges of the highest management levels. By presenting the imcomparable success stories of several Malik Syntegrations®, Ma­lik-Experts and Prof. Fredmund Malik himself demonstrated the resoun­ding inno­va­tive impact of the method and revealed: The solution to the cri­sis has been found.

Tested and perfected: The Malik Syntegration has been applied more than 500 times worldwide – successful without exception. It is the simultaneous application of three system-cybernetic macro-modules: The Malik Systems, the syntegrative core process and a special set of cyber tools. One of the high points of the Conference was the passing of a declaration about the worldwide deployment of the Malik Syntegration method for the global Great Transformation 21.

The sensational, with usual approaches unima­gin­able results of the Malik Syntegration will be accessible to all organizsations. To do this, the participants of the Conference decided on conjoint initiatives to inform top-deciders all around the world of the enormous resolving po­wer of the Malik Supersyntegration.
Organized by Malik, the Conference provides an international plattform for the newest practical applications of cybernetic high-perfor­mance methods.