Malik Syntegration® City of Gossau: Financial credit and turnaround

Preconditions for financial recovery set in 2.5 days

With the Malik Syntegration® the City of Gossau developed crucial fields of activity and measures for the financial credit of the munincipal budget as well as for an increase in the administration’s efficiency. Thereby it addressed its biggest challenge:

“What do we have to do in order to credit the munincipal budget by 9 million Swiss Franc (CHF) yearly in comparison to the status quo and that of the municipal utilities by 2.5 million CHF on a permanent basis, and still ensure the city’s functioning and preserve the life quality?”

Overview of results:
The aim was an identification of crediting potentials as high as 11.5 CHF. That is equivalent to 16% of the city’s yearly “core” expense of 72 million CHF. Fields of activity and measures in the range of 12 million CHF were identified in only 2.5 days. Thus the objectives were achieved to 100%.
60% of the achieved overall result of 12 million CHF were effective right away and of medium to high political acceptance.
The central control levers were identified to strengthen the efficiency of the city administration and to preserve the city’s attractiveness. The turnaround for a positive development was initiated.
Realization that the city administration requires a homogeneous, completely compatible “management operating system”, also to significantly support the implementation.
With the Syntegration method a constructive cooperation for the consolidation of the munincipal budget and the future of the City of Gossau including all “departemente” (Swiss “departement”: managing body of the federal administration) was generated for the first time ever.

“We have reached convincing measures for action in a surprisingly short time. Speed is important because
otherwise the energy may slacken. We now have the will to implement the measures we worked out.”
Alex Brühwiler, Mayor of the City of Gossau

The Malik Syntegration method is the world-wide most innnovative and most effective social technology for the controlled mastering of the profound, rapid and holistic change in all kinds of organizations. Compared to conventional methods, with the Syntegration the key persons of all organizations master even their biggest challenges with a time saving of 90%.

The Syntegration produces optimal innovative solutions. It creates maximal social consensus through an equitable participation of all persons needed for the solutions. Finding and implementing solutions will be accelerated by a multiple. The management’s power for finding solutions will be significantly amplified.